Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fogo Impressions Contest: #8 & #7

So, it's time to announce the place 8 and 7 in the ranking of Fogo Loch Imressions contest.

8th place... with 28 points...

Fogo Impression (#1) by our ex Duke FrklBear

A great united feeling of one big Fogo Loch family, all living under the same roof and the beautiful architecture of Fogo Loch Mansion are featured on his image.

7th place... with 29 points

Fogo Impression (#9) by Jester Eternal

The silent tension of waiting... do we see a spy watching the Fogo Loch Family? An undead observing his victim before he attacks? Or just a hot stud waiting for his date? Fogo Loch is an exciting place as we can see on this image.

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